Chronicled in this video is a story about a patient who suffered impact injuries from snowboarding, skateboarding and car accidents. After such intense impacts, his body recovered only superficially, but structurally he experienced lasting damage. It was when he got a new job which introduced a sustained sitting posture that he exacerbated his injuries, causing him migraines and upper back pain.
It is unnatural (for humans) to sit for prolonged amounts of time, and a desk-job can actually be far more damaging to the body than a snowboard accident! This new sedentary lifestyle after experiencing his impact injuries, brought to the surface MIGRAINES and UPPER BACK PAIN in this patient.
It was only when this patient visited The Balanced Spine that he discovered relief from his pain and got on track to returning his spine to a balanced state. Each office is equipped with state-of-the-art technology to determine the nature and severity of your condition. Our gentle approach differentiates us from other chiropractic care. We do not deliver the NUCCA correction with any twisting, popping or cracking typically associated with chiropractic. This is a great relief to our patients who have anxieties about any forceful thrusting in the procedure. Call to see if The Balanced Spine can help you with your past injuries, and return your body to a healthy position. (425) 437-9974 Redmond, WA or (425) 369-1040 Issaquah, WA.
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