Thursday, October 29, 2009


Health and Wellness:  Not as Elusive as You Think!
A person’s health and level of wellness are determined by two things:  your genetics and your environment.  This seems pretty simple; however, since this is something that a lot of people are concerned about and confused by, it is also very elusive.  Let’s take the time now to make it very simple, easy to understand and, therefore, achievable.
We should tackle the genetic portion first.  Both the health care industry and the general public blame your genes for many diseases and health problems.  Is this valid?  Does this make it just luck or out of your control that you may get lung cancer, develop fibromyalgia, or become hypertensive (high blood pressure)?  Well, if you search the medical literature, human physiology journals, or even Science or Nature, there is no evidence, I repeat no evidence at all, that a human being or any other living thing is programmed or destined to get sick.  In fact, all scientific evidence points to the fact that we are designed to be healthy and programmed to stay well.  Okay, so if you are confused and mouthing the word “but…” then stop for a moment and follow my logic.
Here are some great examples everyone has experienced:
Example 1:  If you cut your finger, what does the human body do as soon as the cut occurs?
Well, the body does a lot of things and I won’t go through all of the steps, but everyone would agree that right away it begins to heal, begins to make itself whole again, and also prepares itself for invading “things,” mounting a local immune response to prevent further insult that could affect your whole body (basically, it adapts.
Example 2:  If you break a bone, what does the human body do right away (assuming this is not a compound fracture that needs to be reset)?
Right away, the human body heals itself—once again it adapts to the situation.
Example 3:  What happens when you breathe in the flu virus?
Right away without having to think about it, your body mounts an attack.  Your immune system kicks in and, for some people, the whole attack goes unnoticed, while others “get” the flu.  This means that your body has to kick in the second line of defense—your body actually increases mucus, gets a fever and the chills, etc.; all of which are necessary components of healing from the flu.  When this occurs, in most cases, you have the flu and, because your body knows what to do, your body gets you through it and you are well again (once again you adapt perfectly to the situation).
All of these examples show you that your body has an inborn ability to heal itself by returning you to homeostasis or balance.  Balance is your natural state; your body is programmed to recognize a signal from your environment (cut finger, broken bone, flu virus), switch on the right gene and voila your body adapts.  This is the second part of health that is related to your environment.  Now some things that happen in our environment can be out of control, such as being hit by a car, drowning in a flash flood, or dying in your sleep in a fire.  But for the most part in our modern lives, our environment is under our control and each year we, as a society, get better and better at controlling our environment.  We control the temperature by wearing clothing and heating our homes, we control our food supply by the convenience of the grocery store, and so on.  It is safe to say that most modern people, especially those around here, have great control of their environment.
So why am I explaining all of this?  Because a lot of people think they have a gene for cancer or heart disease, Crohn’s disease, or that they are predestined to suffer and die that way.  What we know now and have for some time, as evidenced conclusively by all of the best scientific journals in the world, is that all of the things that we suffer and die from now are considered diseases of lifestyle, meaning that they occur because of our lifestyle, because of how we control our environment.  Isn’t that interesting?  However, we try to either ignore them or try to fight them, not by changing our lifestyle but by taking a drug.  As a simple example, if I ate McDonald’s for every meal every day, it would be easy to see how I might develop heart disease or maybe get cancer.  So it might be the case that I have a gene for heart disease or cancer susceptibility, but it is the McDonald’s that did it—the lifestyle choice caused the problem.  We choose to sit all day at work, we also choose to get up and exercise.  We choose to stop for fast food, or we choose to eat a free-range chicken salad.  We choose to dwell over a bad hair day, or we choose to laugh it off.  Yes, the control over our environment for the most part allows us to choose to either be healthy and well or be unhealthy, get sick and die early.
This may sound too simple to be true, but health IS simple.  We need to provide the right things for our bodies, and they, in return, will perform well for us.  I mention constantly to my patients that you are what you repeatedly do.  You are what you eat; if you eat junk you will receive a junky malfunctioning body.  If you eat well, your body will have the right raw materials to heal, repair, and stay well.  You are how you move; if you sit all day at work and don’t take breaks to move around, your body will deteriorate.  If you take work breaks, walk briskly at lunch, work out vigorously every day, then your body will not break down—you will stay fit and you can be well.  You are how you think; if all of your thoughts are of stress and negative, you will interrupt your healthy, normal brain chemistry and you will stay unwell.  If you think about how to solve problems, learn to be positive and have healthy constructive thoughts, then guess what, you will be healthy and you will be well.
Your health is determined by how you eat, move, and think, and if you do those well, you will be well.  Wellness is not elusive, but it does require change and it does require focus, determination and sometimes help.  If you want that help, the Doctors of The Balanced Spine can provide that for you, your trainer can provide that for you, but most of all YOU can provide that for you.  You can choose to be healthy, you can change, and you can achieve your health and wellness goals.
Yours in Wellness,

Sean J Fryer, DC
Co-Founder, The Balanced Spine, LLC
(425) 369-1040

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Sustainable Pain Relief is Just a Gentle Touch Away

How to achieve a Balanced Spine...

The Doctors of The Balanced Spine practice a very precise and corrective form of body balancing Chiropractic known as NUCCA. NUCCA stands for The National Upper Cervical Chiropractic Association. NUCCA is unique from most Chiropractic practices in that it works with the body’s central balancing mechanisms that maintain a person’s abilities to function in a gravity environment. It is the feedback to the brainstem from the eyes, ears and proprioception (the body’s position sense – what allows you to walk without watching your feet each step of the way) that allows the human body to maintain an upright posture under the constant stress of gravity. When this ability to balance the body is compromised, a person’s frame breaks down and the spine locks into a stressed position. This shows up during an exam as a high and a low hip, rotated hips and a spine that is locked into a distorted position.

Most Chiropractors, upon encountering this patient will focus on restoring motion to the individual segments of the spine that exhibit the most obvious effects from this postural and spinal distortion. These attempts to restore motion utilizing twisting cracking or popping is the typical way people think of chiropractic, however this fails to address the initial cause of the body imbalance and therefore may fail to produce lasting results and a correction to the problem.

The NUCCA technique is able to restore body balance and the distortions created by a disruption of the body’s central balancing mechanisms by correcting the positioning of the head and neck eliminating the need for the body to break down into the stressed and locked position that has occurred.

It is typically accidents and injuries to the head and neck that result in this problem arising. Traumatic births, auto accidents and slips and falls can all be the initial cause of body imbalance and then repetitive stress, sedentary activity and further injury can exacerbate the body imbalance.

The most common symptoms that arise from body imbalance that respond well to NUCCA care are, head , neck and jaw (TMJ) pain, migraines, upper, middle and lower back pain and sciatica. Fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue are less obvious results of body imbalance. A recent study in the Journal of Human Hypertension (2007, May;21(5)) is also beginning to prove how NUCCA patients have been achieving overall physiologic and health benefits over the past 60 years.

NUCCA care and The Balanced Spine is not a guaranteed answer for all patients, however unresolved spinal distortion and body imbalance makes it impossible for someone to be as well as they should be. Those people who are interested in better performance and achieving their best health and wellness can benefit from seeing if NUCCA care at The Balanced Spine is right for them. Let us know if you would like to investigate whether your health problem is related to something that can be corrected, or if you are just interested in improving your health, wellness and performance.

Sean J Fryer, DC

Co-founder: The Balanced Spine

Sunday, October 18, 2009

A WHOLE Vitamin

The Balanced Spine's Philosophy on Nutritional Supplements is quite simple; If you can still find a pure nutritional source from food it is always better than a nutritional supplement. Many people spend the same amount of money on supplements when they could be buying fresh organic whole food that is so much better for your body.

Research is clear that we are deficient in our intake of fresh raw fruits and vegetables. We also know that
modern industrial farming techniques produce fruits and vegetables that contain significantly reduced
amounts of essential nutrients such as vitamins, minerals, phytochemicals, and antioxidants compared to wild fruits and vegetables.

However, at The Balanced Spine we now offer a dietary supplement that fulfills our high standards for fresh and organic that can easily be incorporated into your diet. Organic Sufficiency™ contains vitamins, minerals, phytochemicals, and antioxidants in their natural, whole food form with ALL THE COFACTORS in place.

Although eating and juicing 10 servings of multicolored, local, organic, vine ripened fresh fruits and vegetables is the best way to ensure sufficient essential nutrient intake the fact is that most do not meet this requirement on a regular basis. Proper supplementation is an affordable, practical way to ensure sufficient intake of ESSENTIAL NUTRIENTS from whole fruits and vegetables.

Visit The Balanced Spine today and pick up your supply of Organic Sufficiency™ multivitamins!

Reduce inflammation through easy food choices

Making Good Food Choices and Reducing Inflammation

1. Add Fresh Fiber First: before every meal have fresh fruit (breakfast) or vegetable (lunch or dinner).

2. Add flax oil instead of the canola oil to increase the amount of good fats in your diet.

3. Drink water if you are craving sweets, then add fruit, and then if you still want your sweets go ahead and enjoy.

4. If you are going to eat bread get sprouted grain breads.

5. Add more raw nuts to your diet for increased fat and protein. Especially walnuts and macadamia nuts as they have more Omega 3 than Omega 6. This will help balance your inflammatory process.

For more tips go to