Monday, December 21, 2009

Back pain specialist in Issaquah delivers solution and successful wellness program Patient with long history of lower back pain and neck discomfort discovers more than just temporary relief at The Balanced Spine. His pain kept him up at night preventing recuperative rest, plus, he had limited mobility and found he was not able to keep up with the family. Upon finding our distinctive NUCCA technique, he enjoyed relief from his pain but also a patient-involved wellness program with daily applications. With this customized direction our patients are able to maintain their alignment longer and prevent illnesses which otherwise would have debilitated them.

Issaquah back pain gone - NUCCA specialist treats more than just back

Patient with long history of lower back pain and neck discomfort discovers more than just temporary relief at The Balanced Spine. His pain kept him up at night preventing recuperative rest, plus, he had limited mobility and found he was not able to keep up with the family. Upon finding our distinctive NUCCA technique, he enjoyed relief from his pain but also a patient-involved wellness program with daily applications. With this customized direction our patients are able to maintain their alignment longer and prevent illnesses which otherwise would have debilitated them.
Dr. Sean Fryer (425) 369-1040

Sunday, December 20, 2009

20 Reasons Your Head is not on Straight – could this be you?? Our bodies stand up well to the many falls, bumps and impacts that occur in life, or do they? Although cuts and bruises heal, bumps recede and muscle tissue can be repaired, our skeletal structure remembers these impactful incidents. The long-term effects of accidents, whether big or small, can cause your atlas (top bone of your spine) to be out of alignment. This misalignment can cause pain, discomfort and long-term debilitation that is not necessary to live with.

Saturday, December 19, 2009

A Straight Scoliosis Solution from Redmond Chiropractor Redmond patient talks about relief he discovered at The Balanced Spine after years of pain and discomfort resulting from scoliosis. Experiencing the specialized NUCCA technique this patient discovers ease of breathing, lower back pain relief, improved posture, and overall awareness of body status. (425) 437-9974 Dr. Schallmann

20 Reasons Your Head Isn't On Straight - Could This Be You?

20 Reasons your head isn’t on straight – could this be you??

1. You were dropped as a baby, (whether or not it was on your head).

2. You had a hard fall.

3. You bumped your head getting into the car or through a low door.

4. A ball hit you in the head during 7th grade dodge ball.

5. You have ridden on a roller coaster.

6. You were in a car accident…even if you hit a tree at 5 mph after your wife broke in your back window with a golf club.

7. Your wife threw a cell phone at your head and broke a tooth. Or any time you were hit hard enough in the mouth to break a tooth.

8. The doctors pulled you out by your head during birth.

9. You stress out. Stress increases muscle tension thus accentuating imbalances in the spine.

10. You played football, rugby, or any other sport with physical collisions.

11. You were punched in the head.

12. You fell off a bike.

13. You fell out of bed - especially the top bunk.

14. You sleep on your stomach (with your head turned one direction for several hours).

15. You have had the flu and had horrible, jarring coughing/vomiting attacks.

16. You sit at the computer for several hours in a slouched position.

17. You wakeboard or snowboard.

18. You dove into the shallow end of the pool.

19. You have fallen asleep on the couch with your head on the arm rest.

20. You got stuck sitting in front row of the movie theater.

If any of these sound like you please visit Dr. Traci Grandfield at The Balanced Spine to have your spine checked. (425) 437-9974

Thursday, December 17, 2009

A Straight Scoliosis Solution from Redmond Chiropractor Redmond patient talks about relief he discovered at The Balanced Spine after years of pain and discomfort resulting from scoliosis. Experiencing the specialized NUCCA technique this patient discovers ease of breathing, lower back pain relief, improved posture, and overall awareness of body status. (425) 437-9974 Dr. Schallmann

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

10 Easy Ways to Reduce Holiday Stress

10 Ways to Reduce Holiday Stress

10 Ways to Reduce Holiday Stress

1. Stick to your exercise routine. Remember the 3 E’s: empowerment…endorphins…energy

2. Sleep. Best to reduce/eliminate TV watching one hour before bed. Give your mind a chance to slow down.

3. Make a list…of things to do and limit too many endeavors scheduled in one day.

4. Get Adjusted. Chiropractic care relieves stress on the nervous system and body.

5. Breathe. When things get overwhelming stop and take three deep breaths.

6. Be nice. Do something nice for someone in need.

7. Be selfish. Do at least one thing to nurture yourself once per week. Block off 30 min. of “me time”.

8. Take one day at a time.

9. Turn down the noise. i.e. TV and radio

10. Call Grandma. You can’t be stressed out when you’re talking to grandma.

**Eat well. Drink water.

Discuss your wellness goals with Dr. Traci Grandfield at The Balanced Spine. (425) 437-9974
For an extended profile of Dr. Grandfield visit her Facebook page